Sunday, February 3, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Wow...I haven't typed that title in quite awhile.  In fact I am actually surprised I am typing it today!  The only reason I am typing it today is because my BFF challenged me to a "hunt" of our own.  So yesterday I grabbed my camera and husband and went ahuntin'.  Last year we stumbled into a quaint little town in Lancaster.  A town that makes you feel a warm and fuzzy, well not when it is 24 degrees outside!  But the shops were warm and welcoming and quite charming.  Each time we entered a store we were greeted with a cheery hello.  As we left a gracious thank you followed us out the door.  I love the town of Lititz!

As I was doing my Sunday afternoon blog browsing, I hopped on over to Ashley's blog to see what everyone captured this week.  I was pleasantly surprised when I realized I could participate this week!  So here they are, my interpretations all from the cozy little town of Lititz, PA.


I hope Kathy doesn't mind that I took a page out of her book, but I just couldn't help but wonder what is HIDDEN behind this door.  Just look at the old wooden logs that make this house someone's home.  With logs like that I am sure the inside is just as spectacular.  


Or rather not plain!
At the center of town you can find these awesome crosswalks!  They are so cool!

3.  LEFT

We found many things "LEFT" over from times gone by in the this shop.  We could have spent hours in here just looking and touching the one of a kind pieces.  There was one piece we would have brought home with us if only we had a place in our house for it. 

4.  FAST

I wonder how FAST you could go in this car?


There is just something about a burning candle that says PEACE to me.  I know this isn't a real candle but it still reminds me of how peaceful a burning candle is.  

Well there you have it,my interpretations for this week's Scavenger Hunt, not bad for not having a clue what the prompts were until this morning!  I am going to call yesterday's adventure quick successful since I was able to complete two different types of hunts!

I am excited to see everyone's pictures!
Thanks for stopping by!
Focusing on Him 


  1. did GREAT for it to be a last minute effort. I love the last shot!

  2. Looks like a very quaint town with fun shopping. Love that candle. Nicely done for this weeks hunt.

  3. I missed you last week, but I am glad I came by today. I love your hidden, fast, and plain. My boys would love to give that car a go, and I would love to spend some time in the antiques shop!
