Sunday, January 27, 2013

Down by the water...

It is cold!  Really cold! Really, REALLY cold.  
It has been brutally cold the past few days.  In fact, it snowed on Friday.  Even though it is really cold, the snow is almost melted.  Since it's so cold, I decided we would stay in today and just relax.  I also thought it was a perfect day for homemade chicken noodle soup.  Let me just tell you it was incredible.  I've never made homemade chicken noodle soup before so I really had no idea what I was doing.  I just started throwing a little of this and a little of that in the pot.  Kinda wish I would have written down the recipe!   

While the soup was simmering, I sat down at my computer and started looking at all the pictures I've taken over the last year.  Wow, let me just tell you I am glad we are in a digital age...there are thousands of pictures!  I was trying to find a picture that I could post today.  I haven't been in the mood lately to just grab my camera and go on an adventure...course it could have something to do with the brutal cold!

As I was flipping through the pictures, I found some pictures from a weekend getaway in September.  Before I tell you about the location of the getaway, let me tell you a little about the getaway.  I've been taking this weekend getaway every year since I was two.  The location is the same, however, the place we stay has changed over the years, in fact I think we have changed places 5 times.  We've been at our current place for well over 15 years.  Each year the number of people that join us grows...this year I believe there were 60 people.  Yes, you read that correctly 60 people.  We rent a ton of rooms and pretty much have the run of the place.  All the kids have someone to play with and hang out with.  So where on earth do we go each year?  
We go here:

“I am you; you are ME. You are the waves; I am the ocean. Know this and be free, be divine.”
--Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Even in the middle of winter, I can still hear the crash of the waves and feel the cool ocean breeze on my face.  Do you want to take a break from the cold and join me on the beach?  Can't you feel the sand between your toes?  Ahhhhhhh pure peacefulness! 

Just in case you don't believe me about the number of people in our group...we took a picture this year!  This picture is missing 5 people.  This is the first time we got everyone together for a group shot!  So I don't think missing 5 people is too bad!!!

If you need me, I'll be down by the water!

Focusing on Him, 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

MILKSHAKES Revisited!!!!!

I started this blog about a year ago.  And for a good six months, I posted weekly if not more often.  Then came summer and I stopped posting. I don't have a good excuse as to why heck, I don't even have a bad excuse.  I just stopped!  I'm hoping to  striving to get back into the habit of posting again. Let's shoot for once a week and go from there. I may even do a Scavenger Hunt here and there!!! So here is my post for this week.

One of my very first blog posts was titled MILKSHAKES!!!
I thought it would be fun to do a similar post a year later!  Yes, I know if you check the date of the original post it was a little more than a year ago and if you check the dates that I took these pictures, you will see that I took them at the beginning of the month.  I've been busy!!!!!

Anyway here goes...

We are on a mission...

  (Let me apologize now for the quality of this husband was driving and he doesn't believe in stopping to capture beauty at the drop of a hat.  His idea of stopping is not to stop!  I had to take this picture as the car was moving!)

to find:

MILKSHAKES only the best around!

But instead we found:

 "Mr. Cow, can you tell us where to find MILKSHAKES...only the best around?"
"I don't know, but I bet those two cuties over there will know!"

"Hey cuties,  do YOU know where we can find MILKSHAKES...only the best around?"

" No, but we know where you can find 1000 pounds of pure butter. May it can help you."

"Butter, do YOU know where we can find MILKSHAKES...only the best around?"
"No, but I know where you can find a soft fuzzy alpaca."

"Alpaca, do YOU know where we can find MILKSHAKES...only the best around?"

"No, but I know where you can find my fur coat being spun into wool."

"Spinner, do YOU know where to find MILKSHAKES...only the best around?"
"NO but I know where to find a big green tractor."

"Big green tractor, do YOU know where we can find MILKSHAKES...only the best around?"
"No, but I know where you can find some cowboys."

"Cowboys, do YOU know where we can find MILKSHAKES...only the best around?"

"No, but I know where you can find some people who might know."

"People, do YOU know where we can find MILKSHAKES...only the best around"
"Why yes we do"

MILKSHAKES...only the best around!!!!

 and Baked Potatoes!

Did you guess where our adventure was?

Thanks for stopping!
Taking time to Focus on Him this week, 


"Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby."
Langston Hughes