I know, I know...I've missed quite a few hunts over the past few weeks...seven to be exact. Life sure has a way of interrupting our routine doesn't it? During the last seven weeks I told myself I would most certainly participate in this week's hunt only to realize it was Saturday and was a soccer game or tournament to attend or I had to work or you know how it is...! I wasn't even going to look at this week's prompts as I am knee deep in end of the year paperwork but my BFF realized we both needed some "me" time with our cameras so she drug (and I mean drug) me out of my work related training to go on the hunt for this week's prompts. I am happy to say all but one picture was found this week and in one day! Boy did it sure feel good to go exploring with Shay again. Let's do it again this week Shay! Alright enough about me...on to the real reason you stopped by my interpretations...
When I first read this prompt I wasn't sure what direction to go until Shay suggested we go exploring in the city. What better place to meet me at the corner than the corner of the square in York City. Although it doesn't appear so in the picture this intersection is usually quite busy! For the record, these are two of the busiest roads in York County and for you history buffs out there Market street is also known as Lincoln Highway.
I was really stumped with this one!
I know it might be a stretch but wasn't technology used to create the planter to hold Mother Nature's Beauty???
Even it it doesn't count...I still think it's too cool not to share!
(Another view along Lincoln Highway)
Last week I attended three graduation ceremonies, two as a spectator and one as a faculty member. When I read this prompt I immediately thought of the ceremonies and how high school graduation is just one step in our lives.
(I am going to apologize in advance for what you are about to see... Shay double dog dared me to capture this and use it for this post and I can't let her down!)
I am not a fan of this new fashion statement so to me it was easy for me to say...what is wrong with this picture! What is even funnier about this is there was a gentleman sitting at a table watching this man and the look on his face was priceless! I wish I would have been able to capture it to include here!
I need to digress for just a minute here...on Saturday I was at the mall shopping when I saw another What's wrong with this picture? I was shopping for a bathing suit and right beside the rack of bathing suits was a rack of winter coats! Now I do not live in the tundra where one would need a winter coat in the middle of summer. The temperature on that day was a balmy 80 degrees!
I think perhaps this is my favorite hunt picture this week. I shot many things for this prompt but when I saw this flag and the reflection in the window I knew this had to be my Standing Tall prompt especially since we just celebrated Flag Day. I am proud to be an American and very thankful for our flag and all it represents.
Well that's all folks! Thanks for taking the time to stop in and visit with me! I am so excited to be back in the hunt and can't wait to see how all of you interpreted the prompts this week.
Focusing on Him,