It's Sunday...know what that means? It's time for SHS! I love Sunday's for many reasons, church, friends, youth group, relaxing...and SHS! This week's hunt was a lot of fun. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I played taxi cab driver last Sunday. I grabbed my camera and headed out the door for the shoot. I had not intended to look for prompts while I was out, probably because hadn't even looked at the list yet. While we were out C said hey what are the prompts for this week. We pulled out my phone and found the list. When the day was over, we had captured three out of the five prompts...not bad for not trying!
This was not one of the pictures I captured during my photo shoot adventure on Sunday. Since the sunset picture was one of the two pictures I was not able to capture on Sunday I met up with some friends and we set out to capture the sunset. We climbed up to the top of a large hill so we could see for miles around. What we didn't expect was that when we got to the top it would be extremely cold and windy. However, I think the wind and cold was well worth it!
C hard at work capturing leading lines for his homework. I hope his mom loves this picture as much as the others. I posted some of the others
This was the day I captured most of my scavenger hunt items. I was captivated by my shadow on the rocks as I walked past so I grabbed my camera to shoot the picture. After I took the picture I noticed the face in the picture.
When I read this prompt, I immediately was thinking of four of something so I found four goats.
Then I found four baby goats...
I promise there are four there!
A little later we discovered this...
Four seats on a the playground!
I thought I finally found my four until yesterday when I found four ducks floating down the stream...
So instead of a four pictures of one thing, I decided to share four pictures each with four things in them!
Yes, someone does live there! This house is VERY colorful!
I have two more pictures to share.
Last week one of our prompts was Winter Wonderland.
I posted this picture I called Waiting on Winter Wonderland.
Well this week I am happy to report someone must have gotten the message because when I woke up yesterday this is what I saw...
Winter Wonderland...
Thanks for stopping always I'd love to hear your comments.
Much love to all,